About us
There are approximately the same numbers of Auxiliary Fighters as there are Permanent Firefighters. i.e. around 2,000 Auxiliary Firefighters and 2,200 permanent firefighters across the state.
Auxiliaries operate out of 196 stations across Queensland.
QAFA is an employee association formed in 1991 at the recommendation of the then newly created QLD Fire Service who recognised the need after the restructure of the shire Boards into one service.
QAFA represents the interests and welfare of Auxiliary Firefighters in the workplace across Queensland.
QAFA was a participant and major stakeholder in 1990 in the creation and implementation of the Auxiliary Employment Policy which was the foundation for the Standing Order SO-Q-BM-3.7 Auxiliary Employment Conditions. This was superseded by the Auxiliary Firefighter Award – State 2016, when QFES became a full Government Department.
QAFA meets regularly with QFES to discuss and resolve various issues including employment conditions.
QAFA has achieved a Charter document and Workplace Memorandum of Understanding by negotiation with Queensland Government, through the Minister of Police and Emergency Services, as well as the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. These documents set out the basis of the relationship between QFES, Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA) and QAFA.

Workplace advice
Providing workplace advice and support across the workplace.
Conflict Intervention
Intervening in various conflict situations - including bullying, intimidation etc.
Financial Suppport
Arranging financial support to members during hardship i.e. funerals, medical expenses.
Legal Support
Arranging legal support where appropriate.
News & Information
Provide News & Information by newsletters, magazines, website and Facebook.

Queensland Auxiliary Firefighter Association Inc (QAFA) is an Incorporated Association managed by a committee of Auxiliary Firefighters.
Executive Management
President:Rodger Sambrooks
Secretary: Jon Karas
Asst. Secretary & Treasurer: Adrian Williams
State Regional Representatives
North Coast Region: Adrian Williams
North Coast Region (Buderim Station): Jon Karas
Northern Region: Steve Brennan